Monstah Black brought a storm of artistic wow performing at Dance Theatre Workshop's Studio Series on Friday, March 13th. His show “Living Outside the….,” shared Black's opinions on gender roles and being an individual that challenges the norm and the pressure to fit into a cookie cut lifestyle. The evening consisted of Black's music woven together to create a spectacle. There were no separate pieces, just one long extravaganza of fierceness!
Andy Miyamotto, who was a character in the show, served as a sort of abstract assistant who would supply the dancers with their props and, therefore, represented a bridge into the “true” self or the "self" the performers always wanted to be. He began the evening with a short dramatic depiction of his own mental realization of becoming who he always wanted to be. The transitions between segments were very smooth and not once did my eyes want to stop looking. Everyone was gorgeous as they wove in and out of each other, sang, danced, sometimes undressed and rolled on the floor. When Monstah took the floor, he started out with what seemed like his birth from another planet and his coming of age. He then moved on to scenes about masculinity and femininity, the slavery of working a 9 to 5 job, not being what your parents want you to be and living inside a small box that limits your expression. Monstah sang every song even if it was along with his recorded voice; he was great. His background dancers, (also know as “star clusters”) Jill M. Vallery, Kendra Ross, and Christina Reeves, danced punctual, abstract, and athletic choreography using each others bodies like props as well. They were like "arm, arm, hip and hip, and rollllll;" however, it was all about Monstah. Monstah was such the spectacle, I wanted to get up and do everything that he was doing!
My favorite scene was an exploding solo where Monstah told the audience ,as he twirled an umbrella like a marionette, who he was, “ A NueRoManticAfroGypsyPunkFunkDiscoGlamRockStar!” And that about sums it up . . . right! This solo also featured a guest appearance by Toija Riggens as she danced a jerked movement reminiscent of moshing, vogue, and popping style animation. The music, produced by World Eater Recordings, DJ Krunchy, and Monstah Black himself, was a eclectic mix of punk, electronica, and soulful house with poetic lyrics that were humorous in addition to telling an important social story.
Monstah mastered the use of props ranging from glitter, to skirts, to umbrellas and masks, to the highest diva heels you’ve ever seen. The accessories, some designed by Torkwase Dyson were extravagant combinations of layered designs, glitter, and oddness. It was commendable how the cast used these extensive amount of props without looking clumsy or overwhelmed. Makes me wanna twirl an umbrella . . . .
All in all, Monstah is dope -a grand mixture of dance, fashion, music, underground culture, and theatrics that's a glam feast for the eyes and the mind. If you ever get a chance to see Monstah Black in full regalia, you must check him . . .
His show makes you scream out “YAAAAASSS”!
IDANZ Critix Corner
Official Dance Review by JoiLynn
Performance: Monstah Black’s “Livingoutside the….,” Monstah Black & The Sonic Leroy
Venue: DTW/Dance Theatre Workshop
Date: Friday, March 13, 2009