Dance Review: Bill T. Jones, Serenade/Proposition- An Affectionate Farewell

Bill T. Jones serenade_proposition_4 How do you create an original work about a legendary historical figure, in one hour, with ten bodies and the stage as your open canvas?  How do you capture the essence of a single person, through modern dance, who lived a life, made history, and died almost 100 years before you were born?  This is the challenge that Bill T.Jones has the sweetest victory in overcoming, in Serenade/The Proposition, an hour-long work commemorating the life of Abraham Lincoln.

Creating meaningful and socially controversial work is nothing new for Bill T. Jones.  However, Jones goes above and beyond to create a connection between one man’s history and our present.  Bill T. Jones work has a human element that stirs your emotions in ways you would never think movement alone could do.

Tuesday night I had an experience with this aspect of his work as I sat in packed house for opening night at the Joyce Theater...

The anxious crowd settles down as the lights dim. The stage is set with six large white pillars positioned upstage and two podiums, one on each downstage corner.  What’s to come is a history lesson unlike any you have had before.  The tone and atmosphere surrounding the piece is set by vocalist Lisa Komara, Jerome Begin (pianist), Christopher Antonio William Lancaster (cellist) and narrator Jamyl Dobson.  The structure of the piece seems to be less of a narrative or biography and more of a widescreen shot of Abraham’s life.

Real Friends, Real Pros, Real Dancers . . . Only on iDANZ.  Click Here & Join Today! This piece begins with the company being themselves in the present day, performing to a score of their own voices discussing their feelings on the world.  The way the dancers eat up the space with such humility is what I found to be most breathtaking.  Their focus is internal and they have a very calm way of showcasing their strength, which requires very little effort for such a talented group of artists.  As the piece develops, although the dancers change into a costume more reflective of the 19th century, they are still themselves… just coexisting between two worlds, the past and the present.

Paul Matteson, who embodies the character of Abraham Lincoln, has a striking beauty in his movement from the moment he sets foot on stage.  He has a strong sense of the multitude of ideas and weight of the history his movement must portray and truly embodies this all in an awe-inspiring way.  He has the audience completely tuned into him even as he stands completely motionless on stage for several minutes.

Bill T. Jones -Photography by Paul B. Goode -serenade_proposition The fabulous five divas of the evening: Asli Bulbul, Leah Cox, Maija Garcia, Shayla-Vie Jenkins, and I-Ling Liu each bring to the table a very individual spirit of fierce that contributes to the magic that makes this piece.  Cox’s organic emotion and movement is magnetic throughout the entire performance.  Duly, Jenkins’ seamless lines and refined quality in her movement makes it hard to keep your eyes off of her.

Aside from Matteson, LaMichael Leonard, Antonio Brown, Erick Montes, and Peter Chamberlin are the fierce-foursome gentlemen. There is nothing these men do not have:  strength, agility, humble presence, and a perfect mix of being grounded and graceful.  Leonard’s lengthy physique accentuates all of these qualities in a mesmerizing way.  Brown has a stunning fluidity in his movement that creates an eye-grabbing image wherever he is onstage.

Bill T. Jones ingenuity in being able to create the perfect meeting of history and modern dance is what makes Serenade/The Proposition a truly timeless piece. This is the kind of work that reignites my passion for dance and is a gentle reminder of why I dance.  After seeing Serenade, I can’t help but be filled with gratitude for my craft.  Beyond what words can express, this piece is something you must experience for yourself.

Photography by Paul B. Goode

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Official Dance Review by Simone Sobers
Performance:  Serenade/The Proposition -Bill T. Jones/Arnie Zane Dance Company
Choreography: Bill T. Jones, Janet Wong, and the company
Venue:  The Joyce Theater
Show Date:  November 10, 2009


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